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+ Independence


What a crazy time - one I have never wished to experience, but here we...
March 24, 2020
+ Life Balance

Creating Work – how it attracts more!

I’ve been reading a lot lately, that working actors/singers/performers (however you identify yourself) don’t wait...
August 28, 2018
+ Voice Over - animation

In a forest, not so far from here….my voice over career

How it all began…in a distant land – not so long ago…. I was born...
July 26, 2018

Stuck; Keeping Motivated

Stuck We all feel ‘stuck’ in our marathon run of a career in the entertainment...
May 28, 2018
Posts Grid: Thumbnails + Excerpt
+ Independence
What a crazy time - one I have never wished to experience, but here we...
+ Life Balance
I’ve been reading a lot lately, that working actors/singers/performers (however you identify yourself) don’t wait...
+ Voice Over - animation
How it all began…in a distant land – not so long ago…. I was born...
Stuck We all feel ‘stuck’ in our marathon run of a career in the entertainment...
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