Following on from last month’s blog on why I came here and having had many people asking me lately what I do, I thought, I would give people an idea by letting you know what I have been doing in the last week.

Friday – taught a Meisner acting class– then off to an docudrama film audition in London

Saturday – admin in the morning – then promo slot at Fringe City for ‘Miss Givings’– then off to watch a friends show in the evening, as part of the Brighton Festival Fringe

Sunday DAY OFF

Monday – admin day in office

Tuesday – re-record backing tracks for ‘Miss Givings’– admin afternoon plus coaching session with Justina Vail– do 3rd show of ‘Miss Givings’

Wednesday – edit re-recorded backing tracks for ‘Miss Givings’ and email them out to the director for Bristol show – admin in the afternoon – sing at Little Bay Brighton in the evening

Thursday – do all day training workshop in London on negotiation – write blog – then go to yoga in the evening.

As you can see admin takes up a lot of my time, so admin includes emails, phone calls, learning lines, learning songs, social media/press work, letters/documents, finances, filing, applying for auditions/work, etc. – just like any other business. This is just a sample, as every week is different, but encompasses more or less the same. I am never bored or lacking in things to do. Naturally you can add eat, sleep, wash and time with hubbie and friends in there, as well!

How do you balance your time out in a week?