
Bravery to Sing Workshop

Bravery To Sing Workshop

Quarterly workshop on facing your fear of singing with Debbie Bridge.

Ever been told you can’t sing or shouldn’t sing? Yet you love to sing! This short workshop is for you.

This is a workshop for those who have

  • Never sung before; tone deaf to people with a lot of experience, but have possibly lost their nerve over the years or through life circumstances, such as having children, change of career, etc. (for 18 yrs and up)
  • No pressure to sing or do anything they do not want to do
  • Very holistic approach to finding the voice mixed with traditional experience
  • Plan is to leave the workshop wanting to get out and sing more and have fun!

What will happen on the day

  • We will start off with relaxation exercises, move to body awareness and breathing exercises, learn excerpt of song
  • We will learn an excerpt of one song on the day
  • Sing with backing track

To find out the date of the next workshop or to book, click here!

Recommendations from students:

‘Say thanks for a great workshop and fun performance….fantastic fun and would never had the courage before, …absolutely brilliant and great audience reaction; … I can see how you can get hooked!  I am now really keen to continue singing…’ – Jane Schaverien

‘Great fun, great people in the class and great teacher; better than I thought – class participation was excellent!’ – Reena Bhandar

‘I’ve not sung much for years – though always used to enjoy it. I’ve sometimes thought my voice was going with age – this was great!’ – Women’s Institute

‘I will join a local choir now.’ – Women’s Institute

Meisner Ball

Debbie Bridge acting classes

Learn the Meisner Technique of acting classes

This is a workshop which will help to build your confidence in the Meisner acting technique, face your fears and help you do it anyway!

Debbie works in a very friendly and supportive way – the work is very positive and confidence building in its approach.  All are welcome!

These weekly classes are for beginners to advanced performers or wannabe performers who wish to try a new approach to acting or gain more confidence speaking in front of others.

To find out the date of the next workshop or to book, click here!

Recommendations from students:

“Yes, highly recommended. Becoming comfortable with Meisner.”

‘Relaxed, welcoming, inclusive, experienced teacher.’

‘It is a class to help spontaneity.’

Find your Inner Cabaret Star

Join in the fun!

Cabaret Workshop

This fun day is for anyone who enjoys cabaret, wants to know more about it and wishes to try it out for themselves. You will also discover a little about the history of cabaret and learn a song which you will be able to perform by the end of the session!

To find out the date of the next workshop or to book, click here!


‘Say thanks for a great workshop and fun performance….fantastic fun and would never had the courage before, …absolutely brilliant and great audience reaction; … I can see how you can get hooked!  I am now really keen to continue singing…’ – Jane Schaverien (Bravery to Sing Workshop)

‘Great fun, great people in the class and great teacher; better than I thought – class participation was excellent!’ – Reena Bhandar (Bravery to Sing Workshop)


Agatha Christie – Woman of Firsts

Debbie Bridge Agatha Christie

Talk on Agatha Christie

A surfer, world traveller, collector, archaeologist, and singer – these aren’t the 1st descriptions which come to mind when we think of Agatha Christie. She was all these things and so much more!

This talk is about the whole person of Agatha Christie and not just the writer.

My desire is to help inspire and inform others about this remarkable woman.

I hope you leave the talk knowing more than you did before and inspired to go and be more Agatha in your own lives!

To find out the date of the next workshop or to book, click here!

What is Cabaret?

Debbie Bridge and Cabaret

Debbie Bridge talks about Cabaret

I started to do Cabaret myself because it’s a genre which affords so many styles and entertainment. It’s so versitile in it’s approach and has a very strong past which is still impacting the world today.

In this talk I take you around the world and through some of the history of how and why Cabaret started and why it’s still very much alive today in these tough times.

It’s a great way to see and hear about this often misunderstood form of performance. It’s not just striptease! Oh, I might just sing a song or 2.

To find out the date of the next workshop or to book, click here!


‘What an amazing voice and I loved the jokes. Thank you.’ – Women’s Institute

‘Relaxed and entertaining.’ – Women’s Institute

‘The songs were genius! Exceeded expectations.’ – Women’s Institute

American Round Up 1 & 2

Debbie Bridge

Debbie Bridge talks about American composers

1st series (includes S. Barber, G. Chadwick, S. Barber, L. Bernstein, P. Glass and more)

2nd series (includes E. MacDowell, A. Beach, W. Piston, P. Schickele, G. Gershwin and more)

This is a fun talk to introduce you to American composers with quirky stories of their lives.

It was created to help people understand, not only the music better, but also the people behind this amazing music.

It’s not just movie music!

It’s covering from the 19th century carrying into the middle of the 20th Century.

To find out the date of the next workshop or to book, click here!


“I enjoyed (American Round-Up) very much; right amount of talking and listening to music” – Claire Rhodes – Portslade Music Society

“(Liked) the humour and the ‘infectious’ delivery – very informative.” – Sheila Baines – FRMS National Conference

Northern Lights

Debbie Bridge

Debbie Bridge talks about Canadian composers

As, Debbie hails from Canada it only stands to reason that she would want to talk about composers from her country of origin. The music is based around the last 20th Century writers and would introduce you to some of the classical composers from the last 100 years.

To find out the date of the next workshop or to book, click here!


“Thank-you so much for a really entertaining evening – we all enjoyed it so much” – Sheila Southwell – Burgess Hill Music Society

“Thank you so much for gracing our stage and giving us such an interesting presentation about one of my favourite musical themes…it was very successful.” – Graham Kiteley – Organizer, FRMS National Conference


To find out more about 2 shows on offer, please click on either more detailed pages below:

Shirley Knot the Siren or Songs from the Heart