OK, I’m not meaning social media blocked, but artistically stuck? Don’t know what to do next? You’re career isn’t going the way you planned or you don’t know how to go from amateur to pro? Everybody goes through these times...
OK, hands up, I’m a Trekkie, from before the time that term was even created and seeing as the new Star Trek movie is to be released, I thought about what it means for me today to ‘Boldly go where...
That illusive part-time flexible job… Ack, I know I’m not alone in the cash flow problems of working in the performing arts. Even after so many years in the industry I’m still working on ‘nipping this in the butt’. I’ve...
Well, this is not an original topic but, it seems to be one I’m always battling. I seem to spend a lot of time working at the administration work of being a singer and a lot less at the actual...