Posts tagged with: Scott Williams

Despite the Nerves The ability as a performer to feel a closeness to your audience. How do you do that? There’s that famous song, ‘Killing me softly..’ This song strikes a chord in many of how well it can be...
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Anticipation, I love it, can’t wait….just want it to be now.  Well, we are pre-festival season. I’d like to start talking about what I feel is important in the various roles for you to hire for your next production! First,...
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What better theme for October than the Headless Horseman!  So what does this have to do with performing, you may say, ah, well, that’s exactly what I want to address today! So often I’ve heard from students, ‘I feel like...
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This is a short snippet on what main roles are involved in a production and best business practices when dealing with violence or sexual scenes in the entertainment industry....
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You know the image of a patient as he lies down on the therapists couch and the doctor asks, ‘Comfortable?’ as if it’s a signal to begin. I can’t say I’ve actually laid on too many doctors couches, but I...
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I had a student the other day, ask me, ‘Do I need to go get some acting training and where?’  Or from my own point of view when is a good time to go back to your training? The longer...
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Well, I went along for the week and it was like my world had been turned upside down and there it was going to stay and needed to....
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Am I the acting singer or the singing actor?...
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