This is a reblog of my very 1st post and next week on brand, I’ll give you an update of where I am now with this, but wanted to remind you of where I came from:

Debbie Bridge logo
A singers life is not what it used to be. The terminology just boggles my mind. I read an article recently that states, “to make it in the entertainment industry, performers need a brand.”
I can honestly say that Branding 101 may have been a bit more useful to my career than theory of music 101.
Still, I’m battling on trying to make sense of what branding is and how to create it. I’ve been going to business events in my local area to get a better understanding of how business works. Through this networking I’ve managed to meet with a business Guru and was asked, “If I was a car, what sort of car would I be?” And they say artsy people are out there, but at least I can relate and find it easy to answer, even if it seems a crazy way to find my ‘brand’.
Then I’ve been thrown into another foreign term: U.S.B. (unique selling point just to clarify for those in the singing/music world & aren’t business savvy).
Is it just me or are there others that find describing my U.S.P. is rather impossible?
The suggestion of stepping outside of myself and looking at me from a ‘customers’ point of view seems, well literally, physically impossible, if not a bit painful. So I’m faced with the dilemma of how do I get past this if I don’t have the skills or budget to do it? (This may be a surprise to you, but artists really do not earn the big bucks, I definitely fall into the struggling multitudes).
So continuing to wade through this new and exciting time where business language meets musical terms and people, hopefully, I will come back to you soon with ‘my Brand’ – all shiny and new – like that BMW car I see myself as (convertible, British racing green and 2 seater. Vroooom!)
What car are you?
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