
My first ever camel ride in India

Yes, I did it. I thought it was something I could never do, but I did it! I took a whole year off to have my dream trip around the world and see the Taj Mahal. This is something I have wanted to do for most of my life. Not just a gap year, but a year where I could travel – comfortably – for a year. So I am here to say, that anyone who is afraid of going away for a year and being forgotten in the entertainment industry – well, that’s just your brain talking poppy cock!

It was wonderful and I have come back with new ideas how to work in the industry differently and in ways that I hope will work better for me, as to before, where I spent a lot of time and energy ‘trying’. Also, I’m starting up a new side business, which I will save for a future blog, but the name of it is ‘Bridge the Travel Gap’, to give you an idea of what it will be about.

Being the creative I am, turning off that creative button was something I knew would not be good for me, nor would it be likely to happen. I know, when I went for an extended trip to New Zealand, I tried to do ‘no work’, but, of course, what happened, I wrote my first 3 songs ever – 3 children’s songs about my encounters in New Zealand. Check out my soundcloud page to hear them, they are at the bottom. So, on this trip, I was more prepared – I decided to write a weekly blog of letters to various friends about my travels. That led from there to monthly video blogs of what we saw, monthly singing videos (me singing in all sorts of various tourist spots) and a review blog on the books ‘I carried with me’.

It’s been an incredible year and I am so grateful I did it and for all those people along the way that helped to make it all happen! So, if you are like me and waiting to do that amazing trip – don’t put it off any longer – go! You only live once or, at least, this lifetime once!  I took a whole year off and I don’t feel any worse for wear, in fact, quite the opposite and happy to re-engage with my entertainment world again!