Posts filed under: Cabaret

So,… how does a Canadian opera singer/actor end up in a satirical comedy sketch show? But 1st…. A little known fact about me is I used to play football (soccer for my North American friends). My favourite position is what...
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Time Warping I wonder when Tim Curry took on the role of Dr Fank N Furter, he was worrying about type?  As you probably know, they are doing a remake of this iconic film – ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’ with...
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I am just in the throws of getting my poster off for 'Miss Givings'....
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A sampler video of me singing at Little Bay - Brighton:...
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Well I'm in the midst of finalising a singing and acting show reels, both I hope will be further tools to help show my abilities as a singer and as an actress in a better and easier light....
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My life is full of topsy-turvy and really this is the way I like it. In the past few weeks I’ve done a radio show interview on Radio Free Brighton with Phil Baker – 40 mins of me talking about...
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One things for sure, whatever this art form is, the audiences love it and keep coming back 3 or 4 times! ...
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