Posts tagged with: Acting

Career: At the end of last year/begin of this, I asked you what you wanted me to write about. Thanks to several of you, you responded! 1 response was ‘I don’t see what I’m doing as a (insert your own...
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This is the last in my 3 part series on the top 10 tips. This one focus’ on being an Actor/Performers. Here are my top 10 tips for Actors/Performers. What is a director/producer looking for? What is best behaviour? If...
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I would love to work with Paul Greengrass as part of a featured small role in one of his films.  He is a Director who comes across, almost instantly, as someone who makes an actor feel at ease in what...
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Time Warping I wonder when Tim Curry took on the role of Dr Fank N Furter, he was worrying about type?  As you probably know, they are doing a remake of this iconic film – ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’ with...
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OK, hands up, I’m a Trekkie, from before the time that term was even created and seeing as the new Star Trek movie is to be released, I thought about what it means for me today to ‘Boldly go where...
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I don’t know about you, but I love Carpool Karaoke with James Corden.  They are brilliant to watch and the latest 1 is with Jennifer Lopez, check it out here. How do they do it?  Why do we watch it? ...
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Being an expat actor in the UK, I’ve learnt to play to my strengths.  So for me that looks like, I go with what comes easiest and hailing from North America I do what I do best and that is...
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I've talked about the inner critic, but what about the outer critic?...
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One of the reasons I wanted to be an actor was because I was told that acting meant you identified real emotions and reacted to the world around – like real life.  So I was interested, so how did this...
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Not sure if Clint Eastwood is the man who came up with the phrase ‘Analysis Paralysis’, but it’s worth a read of this article to understand why I say, to over analyze a script may not help you much in...
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